Mistake Post: Huggies Diapers, Huggies Pull-ups, Kirkland Formula, Kirkland Baby Wipes for BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba
Good Morning Everyone,
This post was sent out by mistake, so here is a modified post:
I am getting a ton of questions about when Huggies Diapers and Huggies Pull-ups are going on sale next, so I put this preview post together. We haven’t seen Kirkland Diapers or Kirkland Pull-ups go on sale for 3 years.
Based on the last three years of weekly posts, Huggies Diapers, Huggies Pull-ups, Kirkland Formula and Kirkland Baby wipes should go on sale during the two weeks from Feb 25 – Mar 10.
And one collage of Boots (@mrbootsylicious) super excited when I returned from a 5 day ski vacation.
Happy Shopping!

cocowest.ca has officially added an Instagram page:
Instagram: For those of you on Instagram: @Costco_West_Fan Blog
The Instagram Page can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/costco_west_fan_blog/