Exciting news everyone! Costcuisine has a new website and there’s a ton of awesome reviews coming up!
Last week I reviewed the Costco Kirkland Signature frozen Wild Caught Atlantic Cod, Costco Kirkland Signature Raspberry Lemonade Cake (SOOOO good), Costco French Cancan Popcorn and Costco Greenhouse Organic Lemonade!
If you like my reviews for Costco food products the greatest thing you can do is follow me on Instagram or Facebook and also tell your friends about my blog Costcuisine where I review tons of Costco food products each week! You can also check out my Youtube Channel where I do video reviews for Costco products!
Last week while at Costco I decided to try out their frozen organic chicken breasts and review them, they’re definitely not cheap and I usually buy the slabs of fresh Costco Kirkland Signature chicken breasts but I was feeling a bit fancy and decided to buy organic. Today I’m reviewing the Yorkshire Valley Farms Organic Chicken Breasts from the freezer aisle. Item number 395935.
I paid 37.99 Canadian for the bag of frozen chicken breasts. Definitely more expensive than the regular fresh chicken breasts by about $10.
These are so convenient! When I buy the flats of fresh chicken I have to package them for the freezer, take them out to thaw and then season them before baking.I just threw the frozen organic chicken breasts in a dish and baked them, I didn’t add any oil or salt.The chicken needs to be kept frozen and the best before date is about 11 months from the date I bought them. To cook the chicken breasts you can choose to pan-fry, bake or grill them. I chose to bake them, so I cooked them at 350 degrees farenheit in my oven for about 40 minutes.

3/4 of a chicken breast is 120 calories, two and a half grams of fat, one gram of carbohydrates, 22 grams of protein, 620 mg of sodium and zero grams of fibre and sugar. I wish they were a little lower in sodium! These are Non-GMO, grain fed, raised without antibiotics, pesticide and herbicide free and have no animal by-products.

These do taste a bit different than the fresh chicken breasts that I buy from Costco (I did a taste test at the same time), they also look a lot different too. They’re much flatter and did taste more moist and tender than the non-organic fresh chicken breasts, almost on the verge of tasting a little more processed than I’d expect. They’re already salted so no need to add additional salt but you could season them as you wish, I didn’t find them overly salty.

Overall I enjoyed these and recommend them for individuals looking for an organic chicken option at Costco, I will happily use up my expensive organic chicken breasts while my husband eats the regular ones!
Cost: 4/10
Convenience: 9/10
Nutrition: 9/10
Taste: 8/10
Do you buy organic meat? Do you notice any difference in taste?

Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. This product was purchased by Costcuisine for the purpose of producing this review. The opinions in this review are strictly those of Costcuisine. Costcuisine is not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. In the event that Costcuisine receives compensation for a post from the manufacturer of a product or some other third party, the arrangement will be clearly disclosed (including where the manufacturer of a product provides Costcuisine with a free sample of the product).
Do you know how many chicken breasts there were in the bag?
9 in my bag! 🙂
Thanks for reviewing, I didn’t know costco had organic chicken! We’re starting to go all organic so it’s good to know that we can get these at Costco which should be a more reasonable price than elsewhere.