Last week on the blog I reviewed the Costco Premier Protein Pancakes!
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I love wafer cookies and was intrigued when I saw that these only have two grams of sugar per serving so I picked up a bag to try! I paid $14.99 Canadian for the bag and there are 24 individually packaged wafers.
The bag reseals and each square wafer is individually wrapped so you can easily bring them with you in your lunch, work bag, backpack or purse. The best before date on the bag is 10 months from when I purchased them. These work well as a light, sweet snack with coffee or tea or as a light dessert.
One wafer has 110 calories, nine grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates, five grams of fibre, two grams of sugar, one gram of protein and 10 milligrams of sodium. These are vegan but not gluten free.
I can’t say I recommend these, I had high hopes for them but found them disappointing. They have a noticeable artificial sweetener taste and the wafer is really bland tasting. The texture of the wafer is crispy and kind of just disintegrates in your mouth. The dark chocolate flavor is noticeable and is the main flavor you taste since the wafer is so bland. I really don’t like that the artificial sweetener flavor lingers in your mouth after eating these so therefore I wouldn’t buy them again.
Cost: 8/10
Convenience: 10/10
Nutrition: 7.5/10
Taste: 5.5/10

I bought these last week. I was so disappointed! They looked so good and the low sugar content intrigued me. They have an odd smell to them and the taste and texture of them are exactly the way you would think cardboard would taste, imo. I took them back and the girl told me that several had been returned. I left a review on my local Costco page on Facebook and was shocked when two people said they loved them.