Crunchy and flavorful but more like a chip than a cracker!
Please note that this review was not paid for or sponsored by any third party. I purchased this product with my own money and the opinions in this review are strictly my own. I am not affiliated with Costco or any of its suppliers. I am just a fan of the company. I write these reviews to help my fellow shoppers.
Hi it’s Natalie from the Costco food and product review fan blog Costcuisine! If you like my reviews for Costco food products the greatest thing you can do is follow me on Instagram or Facebook and also tell yours friends about my blog Costcuisine where I review tons of Costco food products each week!
Today I’m reviewing the Costco RW Garcia Lentil with Tumeric Crackers! You can find this product at Costco near the front of the store by the other crackers.
These aren’t cheap! I paid $12.79 Canadian for the 850 gram box of RW Garcia Lentil Tumeric Crackers.

There’s two 425 gram bags of “crackers” in the box. Each These are convenient to have alone as a snack, with dip, cheese or meat. You could probably even use them to make nachos because they kind of remind me of a tortilla chip! I wish the bags of crackers were resealable, that would make them more convenient. The best before date is about six months from the date we purchased the crackers.

16 crackers is 130 calories, seven grams of fat, 110 mg of sodium, 14 grams of carbohydrates, one gram of sugar, three grams of protein and two grams of fibre. These are organic as well as gluten-free!

The box says these are a cracker but in my opinion they’re more like a tortilla chip. They’re crunchy, flavorful and have a hint of tumeric flavor and you can taste the slightest bit of lentil as well. They’ve got three different seeds in the crackers, chia seeds, sesame seeds and flaxseeds. They’re slightly sweet tasting and pretty addictive! In my opinion these are more of a chip than a cracker and taste similar to some flavored tortilla chips I’ve had in the past. They taste similar to the RW Garcia Sweet Potato Crackers from Costco.

These are great if you’re looking for a gluten-free, organic cracker/chip to serve with some cheese, dips or just snack on alone! I probably won’t repurchase them, I can buy a big bag of similar tasting tortilla chips for less money!
Cost: 6/10 (a little overpriced in my opinion)
Convenience: 9.5/10 (I wish the bags resealed after opening)
Nutrition: 8/10
Taste: 7.5/10
Have you had these before? Would you also agree they’re more like a chip than a cracker?

Hello Natalie,
Please review the Food Truck fusion condiment. I don’t know the exact name of it, but I think that it has Food Truck in there. 8.99?? I f you have already reviewed it please give me the date.
Thank you, Fran
Hi Fran! Done! Natalie-Costcuisine.com
We love these – I stock up every time they go on sale! Tastes like a chip but leaves my stomach feeling better after eating a bunch. They have a bit more protein due to the lentils and I just really like the taste. We always eat them straight-up; they usually don’t need anything extra (although some bags are more flavourful than others; they aren’t completely consistent unfortunately).
I agree they don’t really need dip etc! -Natalie Costcuisine.com
Taste great but yes, overpriced indeed.
Definitely a little on the expensive side. Natalie-Costcuisine.com
We enjoy these crackers a lot but always wait until they go on sale and but several boxes then!
That’s a great idea to stock up! – Natalie Costcuisine.com