
Innofoods Almond Fruit Crunch Review

Innofoods Almond Fruit Crunch

Hi it’s Natalie from the Costco food and product review fan blog  Costcuisine! If you like my reviews for Costco food products the greatest thing you can do is follow me on  Instagram or Facebook and also tell your friends about my blog Costcuisine where I review tons of Costco food products each week!  In the last week, I reviewed Costco Rojo’s Black Bean Six Layer Dip and Costco Chef Jin’s Kitchen Tempura Cauliflower. 

Happy New Year! I hope 2021 is full of health and happiness for everyone. I went to Costco just last week after my husband and I had pretty much emptied our fridge and saw a few new items to review. One of the items I thought looked interesting was this Innofoods Almond Fruit Crunch. I love cereal and always enjoy trying different types so I thought this would be fun to review. This can be found in the cereal aisle at Costco and the item number is 1494819.


I paid $12.99 Canadian for the 900 gram box of almond fruit crunch. Not an inexpensive cereal but I’d say this is similar to granola and the price point is also similar.  Almonds are the first ingredient listed so that is probably reflected in the price.


So I love eating this straight out of the box just by the handful, you could also sprinkle it on granola or fruit or eat it with milk (dairy or non dairy). There’s one bag of cereal that comes in the box. It’s convenient for those that love cereal but are also following a gluten free diet! The best before date is about 11 months from the date we purchased the cereal.

Innofoods Almond Fruit Crunch


Not exactly low in calories or fat, 2/3 of a cup is 250 calories, 17 grams of fat, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 90 mg of sodium, 12 grams of sugar, seven grams of fibre and five grams of protein. The second ingredient listed is sugar and this definitely tastes sweet. This is gluten free, NON GMO and does contain nuts. I wish this had less sugar, it would be so much healthier. The high fat content and calorie content is coming from the almonds and coconut.

Innofoods Almond Fruit Crunch


This is totally addictive, I find it hard to stop eating it once I grab a handful. It’s definitely the sugar that makes it taste so good but I also love the almonds, the oats, the pumpkin seeds and just everything about this. There’s a bunch of different flavors and textures that make it really delicious. If you’re not a coconut fan you might want to steer clear of this but it’s not too coconut heavy in my opinion. I really appreciate that the first ingredient is almonds, there actually is quite a few almonds in this cereal! It’s probably the most tasty gluten free box cereal I’ve tried.

I really enjoyed this Innofoods Almond Fruit Crunch. It’s definitely a “treat” cereal for me as I could easily eat two cups of this in one sitting and not even realize it. If you tried the Innofoods Grain Free Granola, it’s similar but the oats and corn meal flakes make this seem more like cereal-like. I might try sprinkling it on yogurt instead of chowing down on a huge bowl of this or grabbing massive handfuls!

Cost: 7/10

Convenience: 10/10

Nutrition: 4/10

Taste: 8.5/10

What’s your favorite cereal or granola to purchase from Costco?

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Written by Natalie


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  1. what give Costco …. get this product back on your shelves! 🙁 totally disappointed that I can no longer find it.

  2. I really like Inno Foods Almond Fruit Crunch. I bought two boxes of it in the Langford BC store on Vancouver Island and haven’t seen it since. I hate it when Costco does that. It’s like Costco has no inventory control at all. I found out that Costco is the soul recipient of Inno Foods Almond Fruit Crunch. I have seen this happening with other products as well. I have come very close to stopping purchasing from Costco because of the lack of reliability factor. Has anyone felt like that too or am I the only one on Earth with that complaint. Shame Costco!

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