
Costco West Sale Items for Aug 13 – Aug 19, 2018 for BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan

A quick update from Tynan:

Many thanks to my brother for continuing to help out while I recover.

The deal of the week this week is extra lean ground turkey for $5 off.  Halloween costumes are on sale as well as Halloween candy!

Here is a link to a food review that will be consistently added to

Happy Shopping!



CHECK OUT PART 2 – Summer Seasonal Items, Garden, Patio, BBQ, Camping

CHECK OUT PART 3 – Costco Warehouse Garden Centre

CHECK OUT PART 4 –First Ever Costco Summer Clothing Post – Men’s, Women’s, Children’s, Undergarments and Shoes!

CHECK OUT PART 5 – USA Northwest Costco Sales – June 28 – July 29, 2018 (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington)


Want to see what might be on sale next week?  Take a look at my post from one year ago (next week)

Take a look at some pictures from Costco in Hawaii

Take a look at some pictures from Costco in the UK!

Take a look at some pictures from Costco in the Taiwan

Take a look at some pictures from Costco in the Australia!

Check out what you can but at the Costco Business Centre in Lynwood, WA Part 1, Part 2

Take a look at some unique Costco Items in Portland!

Take a look at some pictures from Costco Japan – Deli, Seafood & Sushi Items!

Live in Eastern Canada?  Check out deals for Eastern Canada

Written by MyCartIs2Full


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  1. Thank you for your work! Just want to share with others, I live in Calgary AB and there is no discount for Yop Yogurt, also there is no Fahita pizza at all.

  2. was waiting for that recliner to go on sale,wasnt expecting it to so fast but thanks for the post,great job as usual!Im sitting in the new recliner now typing this 😛
    also thanks for all the extra help
    glad to hear you are healing well 🙂

  3. Thank you so much to you and your brother for helping you out!! This website absolutely helps my family stay on budget for our grocery shops. You are amazing!

  4. I love getting this update every week. I noticed the down pillow last week for 24.97 but have not been able to find any in the Edmonton area. Do you know where they are available?

    • You would need to check your local Costco stores. I just call in with a product code# or name and they let me know if that item is available in my store.

  5. I love your website so much and it is my “go to” before I head out for my weekly Costco excursion. Thank you for taking the time each week to share this with us. I love too how you go out of your way to display the nutritional info.

  6. Checking the Washington site. I notice that they mention their Costco opens 15 minutes before the official time if people are gathering. I have arrived earlier in Richmond but most of the time it opens at 10:00.

  7. I’m pretty sure this is Burnaby. But get the item number from the picture and call they can look it up and see who has nearby.

  8. Can you post which location you took the pics? For example, you’ve posted the LG Soundbar for many weeks now and I have yet to see them at the various Costco eg. Richmond, Burnaby, Abbotsford.

      • You can ask an employee (usually one at the front, near cashiers) and they will check the item number (in this case #1233945). They have access to up-to-date inventory and are good about letting you know.

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PREVIEW: Kirkland Baby Wipes: August 13-19 for BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba