
Costco UK Fan Blog

Hi Everyone!

One more new blog for you all!  Do you have friends or family who love to shop at Costco in the UK or Scotland?  Why not check out what is for sale over there?  Better yet tell your friends and family from over the pond about this great new site!  The site has been up and running for a couple weeks.  What do you think?

Visit the new Costco UK Fan Blog at

Sign up and follow the Facebook Page here:

Did you know that to qualify as a Costco Member in the UK, you either have to own your own business or belong to a specific profession?

If you really wanted to, you could just come to the US or Canada and get a Costco Membership.  Since memberships are valid world-wide it seems strange that they still have this requirement in the UK!  Last time, I was in the UK (over two years now) I went into Costco and took quite a few pictures of some of the more interesting items.  Check out my UK and Scotland post here:

Qualifying Employment Groups

Current or Retired Employee of:

  • Banking / Finance
  • Local Government
  • Fire / Rescue Service
  • Post Office
  • Airlines
  • Education
  • Police Force
  • Civil Service / Armed Forces
  • Medical / Health Service
  • Insurance


Qualified as:

  • Qualified / Certified / Chartered Accountant
  • Chartered Architect
  • Doctors (MD) / Dentist / Optician / Pharmacist
  • Chartered Surveyor
  • Solicitor / Barrister / Magistrate / Advocate
  • Chartered Engineer / Civil etc


Current or Retired employees of a UK or USA Gold Company.

You may qualify as a current or retired employee of one of the many UK or USA Gold Companies. Please contact either Central Membership on 01923 830477 or your local warehouse to confirm whether the company you currently work for or have retired from is a registered Gold Card Company.

Written by Costco West


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  1. Will you be posting your blog for the U.S. Washington state to be specific. Haven’t seen it for a while now. Thanks

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