Costco West Sale Items for May 27, 2019 – June 02, 2019 for BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan
My brother Tynan is travelling with his wife and two kids on an adventure through Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. I will be covering the weekly posts while he is away.
This week on sale: Coppertone Sunscreen, Listerine, Scotties, Bounty, Scotties, Sunrype Organic Variety Pack Juices, Lysol, Windex, Dawn Dishwashing, Cascade, Oxiclean, Perrier, Vector, Oikos Yogurt, Olay Body Wash, Listerine, Dove Bodywash, Dove Soap Bars, Fig Newton Bars.
Deal of the week: Danby Air Conditioners 14,000 BTU ($100 off). This sale only happens once a year for 1 week!
Click here to see the Seasonal flower/plant post. The Costco garden centre opened on April 1st. Happy Shopping!
~MyCartIs2Full has officially added an Instagram page:
Instagram: For those of you on Instagram: @Costco_West_Fan Blog
The Instagram Page can be found here:
Any pictures or dimensions on the OVE Medicine cabinet?
I found this in the FAQ
Q. Which Costco Warehouse location are the pictures from?
A. I take all my pictures in Costco Warehouses in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.
Rub a little Vicks on the door frame, your pup will stay far away from it
I really appreciate your weekly posts.
Thank you.
Costco is becoming sooo expensive. The Bounty used to be $14.99, 15.99 for many years. Ironically, the Bounty is on “sale” pretty much every month now.
Thank you so much
OMG I laughed at the pic and comment about Boots. A good sense of humour will help get you through this time and until he outgrows it!
I love and appreciate your posts. I’m wondering if it would be at all possible to have a pic of the ingredients as well as the nutritional label. Thank you!
Thank you so much for your weekly posts. I’d like to request more pictures of your adorable dog 😀 What breed of dog is he?
Boots, you little devil!! Oh my goodness! Your poor daddy!
Those Seville tower fans are really good we have them in the living room.
We got the Danby air conditioner online last year- not quite as good a deal as in the store, but they sold out quickly in the stores last year and it was very convenient that it delivered right to the house.
Hair spray or tea tree oil along the base boards helps us with the chewing.
I swear I’m finding myself just coming to your blog to see Boots!!!!!!!! lol! Kidding…but not really kidding! Makes me smile everytime!
When my pup wa chewing my baseboards, I wrapped foil paper on the corners. Worked like a charm.
Hi Good morning,
Thank you for your hard work every week. Could you please let me know which Costco you
take all these pictures. I went to Richmond and Willingdon Costco to check the things are
mark down as 97 is a clearance. They are all gone, most of time I go early in the morning
once I see your email, then I go, normally I go around 8.30 am. Is good this morning you
sent the link early.
For privacy reasons, I don’t think you’ll get an answer… If you call the Costco locations, they should be able to tell you if they have the item in stock. Use the item number from the photo as reference, the Costco employee will appreciate it. Then, if it is in stock, you have to get to that store as soon as possible to purchase before it is sold out. Good luck.
if you go to the customer service desk and ask they can look up and tell you which stores have the items you’re looking for
Dogs being dogs.
Is it strange that I actually look for the dog in the post? He’s adorable. Even when he’s bad…
Boots is teething and needs something to chew on….go to a pet store and buy him some pizzel sticks….it’ll help
Thank you once again for all your hard work. With all the toys that Boots has it is a wonder he goes after wallets and door frames
Thanks so much for the time you put in every week to help us out. And omg, BOOTS! Not funny, but funny…
Thanks for all your effort posting these deals each week..I would be lost without this page to plan my trips to Costco! Your pooch is adorable..he (?) should have an Instagram page with all the cute pics and captions you post!
Cool! I’ll go follow
Thank you!