
Costco Summer Aisle 2020 Superpost! Books & DVDs

Location: Langley, BC Costco Warehouse

Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone had a great Canada Day!  It was definitely a different type of celebration this year – our family would normally go out for some family friendly activity, but we opted to take the kids for a walk in Whistler Village instead!

It is technically summer, but it hasn’t been as warm as usual this year.  If you are heading out for a socially distanced camping trip, you might need a couple of books to keep you occupied!

Stay Safe Everyone!

Sign up for the Early Access Membership with the FOUNDERS Discount!

I wanted to give everyone an update on the redesign of the blog since there has been quite a lot of progress!  We’ve hired our developer & designer and have started work on the project.  We are starting work on the new product search functionality, so you will be able to look up historical pricing and sales.  After that we will be working on the redesign of the blog.  Our goal is to get everything implemented in three months.  I’m excited that this project is finally moving ahead and to see some increased functionality and navigability in the new format.

That being said, if you are looking to help me help support this new website upgrade, I have re-opened the “FOUNDERS” discount for the Early Access to the blog.  The Early Access gives you access to the Monday posts on Monday afternoon instead of Tuesday Morning at a cost of $19.97 for one year (52 weeks).  You will also have the option of signing up for a new customizable mailing list so you can choose to the updates you want.  If you decide to purchase an Early Access Membership and use the discount code “FOUNDERS” before 2020-08-31, you will get $10 off your annual membership AND have that rate grandfathered forever!

Sign up for Early Access at the following link:

Once you have signed up, to get the early pictures, just use your username and password at the following login:  When you are signed in, you will be able to see the pictures as soon as they are published on Monday!

If you don’t sign up for Early Access, no problem!  The blog is still free and will be available to everyone on Tuesday Morning at 5:00AM Pacific time.

Stay safe and remember to wash your hands with soap and water often!

A quick reminder that if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, you should be self-isolating for 14 days.  Each province has their own Health recommendations based on the provinces individual risk assessment and I would recommend that you follow the recommendations for your specific province.  Information can be found at the following websites.

BC COVID-19 Information

Alberta COVID-19 Information

Saskatchewan COVID-19 Information

Manitoba CDC Information

If you are out in public, please practice social distancing which means:

  • Limit activities outside your home
  • Use virtual options to connect with others
  • If you are out in public, try to keep 2 metres between yourself and others.
  • ‎Keep your hands at your side when possible
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cough into your elbow or sleeve
  • Avoid social activities in large gatherings.

Stay safe and remember to wash your hands with soap and water often!

What is on sale next week? Check out the sales from last year to see what might be on sale next week?

Seasonal Aisle Costco Post

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Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Jun 29 – July 5 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB

Members must log in to access pictures:

Written by Costco West


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  1. Thank you! I got my calendars – yay! So early lol, but such a good price. I always use the big more time moms one.

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