
Costco West Sale Items for Aug 6 – Aug 12, 2018 for BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan

Hi Everyone!

Contest Time Again!!!  Thanks for everyone who has liked the Facebook page.   Since there was so much interest in last week’s contest, Tynan will be giving away another (2) $50 Costco Cash Cards to two random commenters.  To enter – simply tag a Facebook Friend (use the @ symbol – then their name) of someone who you think would find this page useful!  I will pick (2) random winners and announce them next Monday!!!  Go to the post directly at the following link:

A quick update from Tynan:

Many thanks to my brother for continuing to help out while I recover.  I hope everyone has a chance to spend time with friends and family over the long weekend.


The deal of the week is the OttLite Glowball desk lamp for $10 off.  Also, I noticed Halloween costumes are on sale already!

Happy Shopping!


CHECK OUT PART 2 – Summer Seasonal Items, Garden, Patio, BBQ, Camping

CHECK OUT PART 3 – Costco Warehouse Garden Centre

CHECK OUT PART 4 –First Ever Costco Summer Clothing Post – Men’s, Women’s, Children’s, Undergarments and Shoes!

CHECK OUT PART 5 – USA Northwest Costco Sales – June 28 – July 29, 2018 (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington)


Want to see what might be on sale next week?  Take a look at my post from one year ago (next week)

Take a look at some pictures from Costco in Hawaii

Take a look at some pictures from Costco in the UK!

Take a look at some pictures from Costco in the Taiwan

Take a look at some pictures from Costco in the Australia!

Check out what you can but at the Costco Business Centre in Lynwood, WA Part 1, Part 2

Take a look at some unique Costco Items in Portland!

Take a look at some pictures from Costco Japan – Deli, Seafood & Sushi Items!

Live in Eastern Canada?  Check out deals for Eastern Canada

Written by Costco West


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  1. I couldn’t find masks on sale. I asked customer service to check system which location in lower mainland had them on sale they seemed to check all locations.
    anyone find them?
    Pretty sure the tumblers were at the Lougheed location!

  2. Anyone in Calgary area see the masks in the local warehouse?

  3. I haven’t seen those acrylic tumblers at either of my stores (Brighton, or PoCo) either. Not sure if it’s worth a drive from Coquitlam to Richmond though…

  4. Where was the quick shelter/beach sun shade half tent? I can’t find it. Is it all sold out?

  5. Just want to confirm that the full face snorkel masks are not on sale. The sign does not match with the picture.
    Also the two LG sound bars are different in the picture. The price is for the bottom soundbar with extra speakers

    Thank you for posting! I will be making a stop by costco soon

    • I purchased the Masks – they are really good made by Ocean Reef (Online $100 US)- they at $60 each CND for the HEAD Snorkel Mask — the Speedo for $15 is something else

    • Omg thanks for confirming I was mind blown since we just bought 3 of them at Costco a month ago for $69.99 each

  6. I seriously cannot find the acrylic numbers. Sooo sad. I love them. Guests always comment how nice they are.

  7. I will be going to Costco to-morrow morning. I have a list to shop, Thank you
    for your hard work

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