Thursday Update: Costco Sale Items for Aug 8-11, 2019 for BC, AB, MB, SK
Hi Everyone!
I went down to Langley again today for some extra shopping – and came back with a platform yard swing and a toddler life jacket that were on clearance. I was close to getting the Kirkland Beach Chair, but I refrained for lack of storage space (we should be able to park our cars in our garages right?)
As for sales that weren’t there on Monday, a bunch of Kirkland Signature Organic Chicken Products were on sale, but only from August 7-8 and some of the price tags did not have dates, I included them since I don’t have the expiry date. Squirrely Bread Silver Hills is on sale here in BC – sometimes I have heard that bread products aren’t always consistent between the provinces.
Toys and winter clothes have started to arrive as well as the first of the Halloween Costumes!!! (No sign of Christmas just yet) You can also pick up some Pumpkin Spice Quick bread.
Since Kirkland Signature Baby Wipes and Leanfit Whey Protein Powder will be on sale next week (due to Costco sending out the wrong week’s flyer), I posted a picture and prices as well.
It was a another long day today so I’m headed off to bed!
Just wanted to tell you a funny story about Costco photos, I couldn’t comment on that post for some reason. I saw your post about sending for free and wanted to try it out. My Oma always asks for pictures of her great grandkids and I truthfully never ever print photos. I thought great I can send from my phone for free to Oma in another city. I didn’t tell her but I did check with her what her apartment number was. Well she received them, thought I don’t have a Costco card and wrote return to sender. Her postman knows her and asked her, are you sure? Yup these aren’t for me. Now I spent 30mins on the phone with Costco trying to track their whereabouts….they are sending her new photos. Lesson learned don’t try to surprise a 93yo or the surprise might be on you. And thanks, I love your website so useful!
Had to chuckle when I saw YUKON CHARLIE and TOMMY BAHAMA right next to each other (snowshoes and beach umbrella). Just a hint of what’s coming around the corner … thanks for your posts!
Agreed with poster above, it would be super helpful to know which location you visit each time (you mention this sporadically) as both the clearance items and meats specials seem to vary by location and make up a decent portion of each of your posts.
He always says which location in every single post. I looked through the last several of them and it’s almost always in the opening paragraph. For this one, it is the very first thing he says!
Every week someone asks where in the comments anyway. Maybe it would help if he put it on a separate line, such as:
The wipes that price is different from the usual but no yellow sale note- would this be a permanent change?
Yes it kooks like there was a $1.00 price increase.
Just wanted to tell you a funny story about Costco photos, I couldn’t comment on that post for some reason. I saw your post about sending for free and wanted to try it out. My Oma always asks for pictures of her great grandkids and I truthfully never ever print photos. I thought great I can send from my phone for free to Oma in another city. I didn’t tell her but I did check with her what her apartment number was. Well she received them, thought I don’t have a Costco card and wrote return to sender. Her postman knows her and asked her, are you sure? Yup these aren’t for me. Now I spent 30mins on the phone with Costco trying to track their whereabouts….they are sending her new photos. Lesson learned don’t try to surprise a 93yo or the surprise might be on you. And thanks, I love your website so useful!
Oh no! Grandparents can be surprisingly sharp sometimes! 
I saw some kids “Paddle Pals” swim aids (half life jacket/half arm wing floaties for 30-50lbs) on sale at Poco store for $9.97
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the update
Had to chuckle when I saw YUKON CHARLIE and TOMMY BAHAMA right next to each other (snowshoes and beach umbrella). Just a hint of what’s coming around the corner … thanks for your posts!
Agreed with poster above, it would be super helpful to know which location you visit each time (you mention this sporadically) as both the clearance items and meats specials seem to vary by location and make up a decent portion of each of your posts.
I put the location of the warehouse I visit in the text of the post every week. This time I went to Langley
He always says which location in every single post. I looked through the last several of them and it’s almost always in the opening paragraph. For this one, it is the very first thing he says!
Every week someone asks where in the comments anyway. Maybe it would help if he put it on a separate line, such as:
Photo location: Langley
Good suggestion!
Are the Margaritaville’s sold out?
I can’t seem to find your post when huggies diapers go on sale. Can you please help
Thank you
I keep a record of all the diaper / wipes posts under the articles tab in the top menu. Last year they went on sale September 17-24.
Wow. That octopus pool is a great awesome deal!!
I paid $20 for it and that too was clearance as well.
The bubbles for 6.97 ..I wouldn’t pay even a dollar for those. They leak so much and you’re filled with soap!
Thanks so much for the update as always. You hear this all the time..but Costco shopping waits until we have an update from you!
Thank you for the update.
Looks like summer is officially over by the items on sale.
Can you let me know which Costco has the camping sleep mats in stock for $39.97? Willingdon didn’t have the m. Thanks!
The pictures were taken in Langley
“Single PressTM” maple syrup?!? Lolololol
Please tell me there aren’t people who think maple syrup is made the same way as olive oil?
Good morning and thank you so much for keeping us updated .
Thank you so much for update, some great clearance items listed
Good morning. Thank you