Weekend Update! – Costco Sale Items for Dec 11-13, 2020 for BC, AB, MB, SK
Location: Downtown Vancouver, BC Costco Warehouse
Hi Everyone!
I hope you are all doing well! Thanks to my brother for taking photos today! My ankle is doing much better today, but I decided to take the day off again. I really wasn’t looking forward to maneuvering around Costco taking photos at different angles.
There were a lot of toys going on clearance this week so if you are looking to pick up some good deals on Christmas presents this is a great time to go! The 7.5 food Christmas tree is also on sale so if you have been waiting for a sale, make sure to head on over this weekend!
Happy Shopping!
Go here for the latest Costco Coronavirus updates: https://www.costco.ca/coronavirus-response.html
If you live in BC, you can see the Covid-19 Safety Plan (British Columbia): https://www.costco.ca/bc-safety-plan.html
Stay safe and remember to wash your hands with soap and water often!
Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Dec 7-13, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB
Members must log in to access pictures: https://cocowest.ca/cocologin/

RE: 318527 MERCI ASSORTED CHOCOLATES 675 g EXPIRY DATE: 2020-12-20 $7.89 (as posted for week of Dec 7-13/20)
There was a big price jump on MERCI this week (or maybe it was never that cheap at my local warehouse ??). Regular $13.89 less $3 discount = $10.89. What gives ?
I still did not get the Cocowest flyer to-day. Normally you will post out in the late morning
but up to now I did not receive any flyer thru my email. Could you please send as soon as
possible because I will be going to costco to-morrow early in the morning. Thanks
@joe canoe — not, the [official] price adjustment policy with Costco is 30 days
@Evelyn Tan — the price of ground beef has fallen, meanwhile steak has gone up a bit
@coco west — can you increase the resolution of the pics (or decrease the compression) so we can see more clearly the details of the pricing sheets?
Hi there, all the info in the price tag has been transcribed into the caption 🙂
Hi, How come you advertise Lean ground beef for $6.79, is it per lb or per pack
The seafood roadshow was on this weekend. THE WORST I have ever seen. Mostly farmed . They need to bring back the “regular” road show
Hope you’re recovered for Christmas !
Thank you so much for all your time and effort in maintaining this blog (and thank you to your brother!) It makes it easy to get in and out fairly quickly instead of wandering up and down all the aisles like I used to do!
Stay safe and healthy!
Take care and rest up! Thanks again to your bro. And thanks for your post. Happy weekend!
Absolutely they will
Erin Hazelwood wrote:
> RE: Will Costco refund you the difference if you purchased so thing two days ago and now it’s on sale for $20 less?
I think it is up to 45 days, and as long as there is inventory.
RE: 1181900 D-LINK MESH WI-FI ROUTER DIR-L1900 $69.97
Does the box contain 1 device or is it a kit of 2 or more devices ? A mesh of one is not really a mesh. Any feedback on this product?
Yes they will, even it was 2 weeks ago.
Will Costco refund you the difference if you purchased so thing two days ago and now it’s on sale for $20 less?
I hope your foot gets better soon… take care and a big thank you to your brother for helping out…. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all your family!!!
Website is a must before visiting Costco, thanks.
2 things:
-it’s Friday at 2:15 pm, but weekend items not yet visible, though it states that it is available after 5:00 am on Fridays.
-“ The 7.5 food Christmas tree” in the weekend post would be great for the food bank that I volunteer at, but I don’t think that’s what you meant. Just funning!