
Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Aug 26-Sep 01, 2019 for BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan

Hi Everyone!

My brother (Tynan) is on vacation today so I will be covering the post today.  Phew!  So many photos and so many items.  He picked the right Monday to go on vacation!

This Week’s Location: Vancouver Costco

This week, there were many clearance items in the store as they get ready to switch over to fall items.  Halloween seasonal items were already being stocked!

If you require some sun screen, they are all on clearance right now – so grab your favorite before they are all gone.  Also on clearance are some back to school items (Roots backpacks, Staedtler coloured pencils, Staedtler math essentials bundle, post it notes) Same as last week: Best Express Organic Aussie Bites they were $3.00 off, and Annie’s Homegrown Organic Macaroni and Cheese.

Time to stock up on soft drinks as all the Coke and Pepsi products are on sale this week.  Raisin Bran, Mini Wheats, Vector, Scotties Facial Tissue, Purex Bathroom Tissue, Kleenex Facial Tissue, Mini Babybel Cheese, 44th Street Beef Pot Roast, Dole Peaches in Juice, Dole Mandarins In Juice, Dole Fruit Salad with Cherries, Catelli Spaghetti, KFI Butter Chicken Sauce, and Pizza Pops.

Boots’ first birthday was Friday!  Enjoy the photos of Boots at Petpalooza.

Happy Shopping!


Click here for the Thursday Update – Costco Sale Items for Aug 29 – Sep 1, 2019 for BC, AB, MB, SK

What is on sale next week? Check out the sales from last year to see what might be on sale next week?

Seasonal Aisle Costco Post

Click here for the Thursday Update – Costco Sale Items for Aug 29 – Sep 1, 2019 for BC, AB, MB, SK has officially added an Instagram page:

Instagram:  For those of you on Instagram:  @Costco_West_Fan Blog

The Instagram Page can be found here:

Written by MyCartIs2Full


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  1. Thanks for doing all the “leg work .” It certainly makes shopping at Costco so much more enjoyable and it is nice to see items, I might not even know were there!

  2. Fresh peaches alert. I bought a flat of peaches, item 45518, $7.99 at the Costco
    PoCo store. Very bad quality. Each peach was either ‘mealy’ for ‘mushy.
    I was able to process 4 pint jars of not great peaches…not happy!
    I have phoned the administration at the PoCo store to advise them.

  3. My daughter lives in Florida and recently there is a new Costco built close to where she lives. I was telling her about your Cocowest. Do you know if there is something like this for Florida? Thanks for doing this!

  4. Do you know when the boxes of school safe chocolate chip banana bread will go on sale

  5. Thank you so much for your posts. I only rely on this before shopping at Costco. You and your brother are doing a great job and service and I try to click on as many ads as I remember. Haven’t seen coconut water on sale for a long time now.


  6. Does anyone recognize the possibly laundry baskets next to the drying rack in the photo? I haven’t seen them in our warehouse, wondering if they are collapsible and if damp clothes can go in them. Thanks!

  7. Don’t know if this is limited to the North Edmonton (149 St) location, but the Timber Ridge camp chairs are on clearance for 19.97 (reg. 34.99). Posted to RFD but thought I’d share here too.

  8. Thanks for covering for the bro. I just had to scroll down first to see Boots before the rest of the photos. He’s a sweet boy.

  9. Boots is so cute. Thank you for the update. Will need the umbrella soon.

  10. Thanks! Once again, I know what is all on sale. Certainly helps.

  11. thank you for all of your efforts making these posts! it makes things so much easier when costco shopping!

  12. Hi there. I just want to let you know how much your blog helps a lot of people to shop smarter at Costco. I purchase a lot more from Costco since I’ve been checking for all the sale items each week. I came across another blog that does almost the same thing as yours except yours is a much more thoughtful site – the pictures of each item are nice and clear and I love the nutritional info for most food items. I noticed you are featuring ads in your blog the last few weeks and while some people might not like this new feature my feeling is that if it keeps you posting for us I’m all for it. I think you should be paid by Costco as they are the ones who profit most from your good deed. It must take an incredible amount of time out of each week for you to do this – so if there needs to be a few ads for you to be able to continue, I don’t mind. Also, don’t stop posting pictures of Boots as he’s adorable! Keep calm and blog on!

    • I agree completely. I was surprised to know Costco made them change their website in the past. They are doing Costco a huge favour, and of course us too. Thanks for your post every week, it helps a lot of people.

  13. I couldn’t pick out Boots in the statues. I had to look twice! Nice to see Boots made a debut again. Keep up the good work!

  14. This is the only site I would ever consider clicking on an Ad. Keep up the great work.

  15. Why does the 18 count Nestle chocolate bars have a sign for 120 fun size bars?

  16. Thank you for filling in this week. Nice to see Boots too

    • Where can I get one of those purple Frenchies figurines beside Boots?

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