Weekend Update! – Costco Sale Items for Nov 6-8, 2020 for BC, AB, MB, SK
Location: Langley, BC Costco Warehouse
Hi Everyone!
I hope you are having a good day and (at least here in BC) the weather has been nice and sunny! We are still have a lot to unpack in our house, so I’m going to get back to that right now! Make sure to pick up some
Happy Shopping!
Go here for the latest Costco Coronavirus updates: https://www.costco.ca/coronavirus-response.html
If you live in BC, you can see the Covid-19 Safety Plan (British Columbia): https://www.costco.ca/bc-safety-plan.html
Stay safe and remember to wash your hands with soap and water often!
Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Nov 2-8, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB
Members must log in to access pictures: https://cocowest.ca/cocologin/
1459920 NATURAL CONCEPTS HAND SANITIZER 3.78L EXP. 2020-11-08 $15.99

Is there not a a new weekly sale for Nov 9-15 I haven’t received anything today. Thanks
RE: “V” wrote — I think the “reply” isn’t working correctly… doesn’t “nest” under the question
Pressing REPLY just moves the screen a little lower, a little closer to the replay box at the end.
I noticed the “nesting” reply feature, stopped working a few months ago. I assume that coincides with the “new” software for the website.
Reply button doesn’t work.
Price adjustments has to be done only when the item is on sale.
Still creek had Kirkland white nitrile gloves today.
V – what did you pick up yesterday at downtown costco? Was it the lysol wipes? I haven’t been able to find lysol in months. Just once randomly early in the morning.
Thank you so much for doing this even while moving!
FYI, you didn’t finish the description below the Pace salsa.
Have a great weekend!
Anyone tasted the truffles?? How are they? Really missing the samples 🙁
I know they were on for Black Friday last year.
I think the “reply” isn’t working correctly… doesn’t “nest” under the question
picked up some downtown yesterday morning around 10 am for my elderly neighbours
ipads have been on sale the last 2 Decembers, as I bought them both years
Willingdon had Lysol wipes yesterday morning as I saw some in carts but by the time I was in the store around 9:15ish, all gone.
I was at my local Costco and just randomly walked by a new pallet about a month ago. They are almost always noted as sold out at the front of the store, I think it’s honestly just getting lucky!
Can anyone recall when iPads usually go on sale? We need to purchase two so I want to be prepared!
Thank you for doing this, it’s always o helpful. For a price adjustment do you have to do it while the item is still on sale?
Hi there are there Lysol wipes nowadays? Thanks
You post today shows the description and label for Febreeze on a Fig Leaf Tree.
34th item in the list.
Just thought you’d like to know.
Good job what you are doing.
Lots of Items you have to go through.
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