
PREVIEW: Costco Canada Flyer April 5 – May 2, 2021

Location: Canada-wide

Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well..  We are currently on our last day of Spring Break here – just before minding.  The rain and windstorm finally just stopped.   The power went this off this morning and I haven’t been able to access the internet all day due to the data on my phone not working.

We were going to go swimming after naps this afternoon, but the power is out at the pool so it was closed…  so the kids ended up watching TV all afternoon until their iPads ran out of juice.  We all haven’t left the house in two days and are all going a little stir crazy!

I think I will be happy for everyone to go back to their routines (if only for 4 days due to Easter long weekend coming up)  I’m sure all of our house  could use a little dedicated clean-up time!

Anyways, enough complaining.  The good news is that we got an early copy of the Costco Flyer for April.  It looks like there are lots of items on it.

When there are a lot of items on sale all month, instead of taking the same photos every week, I’ll probably reuse some of the photos at the end of the post for the items that are the same.

Have a great week everyone!

Happy Shopping!

Go here for the latest Costco Coronavirus updates:

If you live in BC, you can see the Covid-19 Safety Plan (British Columbia):

Stay safe and remember to wash your hands with soap and water often!

What is on sale next week? Check out the sales from last year to see what might be on sale next week?

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CLICK HERE for Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for Mar 22-28, 2021, for BC, AB, SK, MB

Written by Costco West


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