
Costco Flyer & Costco Sale Items for  Jan 6 -12, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB

Location: Abbotsford Costco

Hi Everyone!

I don’t know about you guys, but I was pretty happy to drop my kids off at daycare today!  They were getting a little crazy from a lack of schedule, no naps and constant stimulation.  I think it will be good for everyone to go back to their regular routine.

If you are an Costco Executive Member, make sure you check out my Costco Executive Member Coupon post here.  The coupons were located in the Costco Connection Magazine (which I didn’t get this month for some reason).  If you lost your magazine, you can always pick up a set of coupons from the Membership Desk at your local Costco.  They seem to always have a couple extra copies there.

There were lots of items on sale this week.  It looks like there are lots of great items for kids lunches like Cheese Strings, Balderson 2 year Cheese Portions, Sargento Balanced Breaks Protein Snacks, Iogo Nano Yogurt Drinks, Kraft Cheese Singles, Dole Fruit Salads, Dole Dried Peaches, Dole Mandarins, Ziplock Bags, Ocean’s Snackits, Ritz Bitz Sandwiches, Larabars, Made Good Organic Granola Mini Bites, Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, and Phillipine Dried Mangoes.

Kaisan Leanfit Whey Protein Isolate is on sale too this week.  This only goes on sale twice a year so make sure to stock up when it does!

Happy Shopping!


  1. Premium Early Access Memberships Now Available !!
  2. SPONSORED: Garnier SkinActive Micellar Water Review & Double Contest!
  3. My (Huge) Christmas Wish List from Bellingham Costco
  4. Step-by-Step: The Cheapest, Canadian Disney+ Subscription with Discounted iTunes Gift Cards
  5. Get $20 OFF your next purchase (min $100)
  6. Gift of Membership Deal – *For New and Existing Members* Oct 28, 2019 to Jan 31, 2020
  7. Kraft Chocolate Peanut Butter Powder Review
  8. Nuts for Nature Nut Seed Butter Review
  9. Nature’s Path Organic Pumpkin Seed Flax Granola Review
  10. naturSource Salad Topper Lite Review
  11. Costco Winter Aisle 2019 Superpost! Last Minute Gifts -Books, DVDs & Gift Certificates (Dec 18, 2019)
  12. Costco Winter Aisle 2019 Superpost! Clothing, Footwear & Undergarments (Dec 11, 2019)
  13. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Toys & Winter Seasonal (Dec 04, 2019)
  14. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Christmas Trees, Lights, Decorations, Chocolates (Nov 27, 2019)
  15. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Apple Computers (NEW) TVs, Electronics, Speakers Section (Nov 21, 2019)
  16. Costco Fall Vitamins, Supplements and OTC Medicine 2019 Superpost! (Oct 17, 2019)
  17. Costco Thanksgiving Dinner Superpost! Fruit, Vegetables, Baking & Nuts (Oct 6, 2019)
  18. Costco Fall Clothing 2019 Superpost! Clothing, Jackets & Shoes (Sep 26, 2019)
  19. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Bedding & Bath Linens (Sep 19, 2019)
  20. Costco Fall Aisle 2019 Superpost! Personal Care, Kitchen, Household & Appliances (Sep 12, 2019)
  21. RECALL NOTICE: Romaine Lettuce
  22. RECALL NOTICE: Bendable Snowman Trio

What is on sale next week? Check out the sales from last year to see what might be on sale next week?

Seasonal Aisle Costco Post


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Costco Flyer for  Jan 6 -12, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB

Costco Sale Items for  Jan 6 -12, 2020, for BC, AB, SK, MB


Written by Costco West


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  1. Sophia…since the “Costco West dude” has to approve any comments before they’re posted, how is it “despicable” for him to allow the “bullying” comments against you when he also gave you the forum to post your negativity on his blog? After all, if you’ve been posting the online deals for 10 years as you claim, don’t you have your own venue to complain on? if your posts don’t garner the same amount of attention as the “Costco West dude” perhaps you should spend more time improving it rather than spending your precious time complaining about this one. Green isn’t a good colour on you…just saying

  2. Any suggestions on how we can find out if the sales are on in our area stores? I’ve gone looking for items posted here several times, only to discover that those prices aren’t in effect in our area … and baby, it’s cold out there so I’m not crazy about going in to town if the sale isn’t on here. 🙂

  3. Has anyone tried the honey garlic pork? Or know if it’s available at the poco Costco? I didn’t see it last time I was there.

  4. To the people (trolls?) that seem dead set against this site and what it has to offer, and then have the stones to complain of bullying when they get busted on by those who appreciate same, I have a couple of questions.

    Why on earth do you frequent the site (which you abviously do)?

    What could possibly have happened to you or is missing from your lives that you are so petty and spiteful you feel the need to try and police (aka ruin) a site that innumerable people find incredibly beneficial, and that harms NO ONE (Costco included)?!?

    Just wonderin’…..

  5. I signed up today, I’ve been following your website for a couple years now, share it with friends & family. I’ve seen others attempt to share Costco sale items on FB groups, but their attempts are rather sad compared to the nice clear photos you capture and share. Thanks for providing this website and all you do, I appreciate it and I feel that a mere $20/year is more than worth it!

    • Well said, Paul. 🙂
      I haven’t been following this blog as long, but do find it helpful as well and certainly don’t mind helping to offset costs for such a worthy effort. I’m not sure why anybody would complain unless they just want everything for nothing in spite of being able to save money because of these posts.

  6. Really Sophia? Who is being rude and spiteful, and bullying here?

    Why do you have to be a troll? If you don’t appreciate what this site has to offer you can always not visit. That may give you some extra time for yourself and perhaps you may be happier.

  7. Well. This is exactly why some people feel there might be some sort of referral or direct benefit (aside from increased shoppers) from this site that Costco receives.

  8. Ok, we need to stop with the rude and spiteful, bullying comments here. The aforementioned is considered harassment by the Government of Canada. This isn’t Facebook or Reddit.

    Since the Costco West dude has to pre-approve comments, it’s despicable he’s allowing them. However, I understand why. The hateful and mean spirited comments are supporting him.

  9. “I’ve been posting Costco deals online for 10 years, and my goal for this blog is to be able to use my past posts to be able to better help people predict future sales. ”

    I had to do a double take here. Please explain how currently and in the past you have used your blog “to be able to better help people predict future sales”? Have you provided us with a historical text or spreadsheet dataset with this information? Of course not. There is no “system” whatsoever. Manufacturers do as they see fit.

    While this is your blog, you somehow continue to use Google’s defunct url shortener and obviously do as you please. But please, be honest and transparent. Don’t make thinks up. And yeah, I know I am asking a lot. We are now living in the western culture where we prefer to believe in lies as long as they’re eloquently stated

    • Hi Sophia, thanks for visiting my blog. While I don’t provide a spreadsheet with historical price data, every one of my blog posts includes a link to the post 51 weeks previous. People can use this link to predict what might be on sale for the next week. Here is the link for the items 51 weeks ahead of today:

      Most people have found that many items go on sale at the exact same time of year. For example, Kaisan Whey Protein has been in sale the second week of January as long as I have been doing this. Huggies diapers and Kirkland Baby Wipes go on sale twice a year in March and September. You will see examples of this week after week.

  10. Thank you so much for what you do here. I hope troublemakers do not result in this site being cancelled!
    I just got back almost $40 on 3/4 items I had purchased recently and are now on clearance! The other was out of stock in my store. I would probably not have seen these sale prices if not for you.

  11. I have heard about this in passing. While it may be overlooked in general as people take pictures to show their spouse or what not, it will definitely attract more attention if used in the manner this site does. And now that there is a paid option and a transfer of money in exchange for this information, Costco will likely take this more seriously.
    Don’t get me wrong, I use this site regularly and will be sad if it is gone, but this is somewhat of a risky practise for the site owner.

      • Agreed, good point. I doubt Costco is going to want to see anyone else making money off of them. It’s one thing to show what’s on sale (and we’ve all benefitted from this site, I’m not knocking that) but the exchange of money as a result of posting Costco’s weekly sales, could be a problem. Let’s hope this isn’t the end of this excellent blog.

  12. Wow I can’t believe some people. Thank you for all that you do. It really helps me see the specials without going in all the time. I for one appreciate it.

    Thank you

  13. I just want to say thank you for providing this site. If anything, it has made me shop at Costco more frequently because of these hidden deals. I live in a rural community and have to travel close to 100km to get to Costco so this site is a huge necessity in my life. I can plan my trips accordingly once my kids are in school, and can stock up on things I need (including sale items). I refer this site to everyone I know. Thank you for all that you do!

  14. Will the new features such as being able to predict future sales and better searches and all other new functions etc be available only to members who have paid the membership?

  15. I do not think some people realize how this site is a bonus. I do not have the time to shop up and down the aisles. This site allows me to get what I need at the best price. I look forward to it each week and am thankful someone has gone to great lengths to let everyone know the deals.

  16. It’s within Costco’s Membership policies that taking pictures of their prices is not permitted in any manner. Obviously it’s up to the employees working there to enforce it but it is something each Costco member agrees to upon signing up for membership.

    “Use of still or digital cameras or other recording devices, or recording of prices in any manner is not permitted. Offenders will be asked to leave the premises and their membership may be revoked.”

    • Hi Bev,
      Thanks for subscribing. I’m just working out some bugs in the new E-mail newsletter this morning. The E-mail should have been sent yesterday afternoon soon after the post was published. Hopefully it should be fixed next week; however, you will still need to access the blog to see the early sales. You will need to login with your username and password which will give you access to the early pictures. Even if you do not get the E-mail, you should be able to access the blog directly on Monday Afternoon onwards.

  17. I know who you are and which store you go to and when. I’ve reported you to the membership department as this is against their membership agreement contract.

    Your membership will be cancelled.

    • You’re a tool. Also not sure why this would be against the membership as it is super helpful to their members!

    • Get a life! If you don’t like it then scroll on by. You would rather be an a&&hole for everyone who enjoys his posts and finds them very useful? They are not going to cancel his membership, he is bringing them more sales!

    • Wow, stalk much? How about minding your own business and not messing this up for everyone else? This site is very helpful, and as a result I shop at Costco more, not less.

    • Kuang Wentao why don’t you enforce this rule as well????? If Costco bans everyone that takes a picture or leaves a shopping cart out then they will not have many membership $$$ coming in.
      Every member using a shopping cart to carry their purchases from the warehouse to their vehicle is obligated to return the cart to the enclosure identified for this purpose in the parking lot in order to facilitate the retrieval of same, as well as to avoid carts from becoming an obstacle to the traffic flow of other members’ vehicles

    • Costco should already be aware of this blog since several years ago, and they don’t seem to have an issue. Why do you? Does this blog negatively affect your membership or Costco experience in some way?

    • lol nice try troll. You clearly know nothing about this person or how Costco works.
      You must be fun at parties and have lots of friends. Have a great life.

    • I doubt Costco cares that they are getting free advertising. Do you really think they’re employees haven’t noticed him taking pictures or that they too don’t read the blog? Get over yourself.

    • Wow – you really are a scumbag!!! I don’t see how this affects your life and why its any of your business anyways. Excuse my language but you really are a jackass!

  18. Thanks for posting. It’s 3:15am (Tuesday) and I can see the new post. How early can I view new postings if I had subscribed? Thanks!

  19. Hi thx for all you do
    Ive signed up and paid for tge extra service you do
    But since then i dot seem to be able to fid a spot to sign in
    Can you give me instructions to acccess …..
    Maybe create a sign in button for those of us who have paid
    Thx Michael

  20. Sorry, but I disagree with your new strategy of restricting your early posts to paid members. I used to support you by clicking on multiple ads every week, but not anymore.

    • Hi Jack, thanks for your previous support! As I said in previous posts, the reason I have implemented the early access membership, is so I can implement some new features into the blog like an item search for previous sales, an improved newsletter and to improve the navigation on the blog.

      I’ve been posting Costco deals online for 10 years, and my goal for this blog is to be able to use my past posts to be able to better help people predict future sales. I feel like these new features will be able to give readers even more valuable information to help people make their shopping decisions.

      Unfortunately, these new features are not free and beyond my personal skill level. I will require a designer and developer to help implement these features into the blog – which is why I have added a paid membership option.

      For anyone who decides not to support the early access, the posts are available to everyone for free, at the same time they have always been published at 05:00 Pacific time the following morning.

      I hope to see you back soon! If you change your mind and want to register, you can do so at the following link:

    • hope you are clicking lots to compensate for his time. You have to physically click each ad to give the owner a penny. so shut the hell up

  21. Should we not register for Sales Updates, will we still receive the updates as before, just not as early as those who pay and register?
    Thank you.

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